Gourmet Granola Made Easy. “Healthy Easy Maple Granola”

Granola looks very healthy on the box but it has the same amount of sugar as commercial boxed cereals.. Gourmet Granolas are delicious but expensive. I have been making granolas and mueslis for years for my family. I was making a batch today and thought I would share it with all of you. I usually do not measure. I throw in whatever i feel at the time. If you are brave go ahead and have fun. Your family and budget with love you.

Get the Video https://www.getlivingrawfoods.com/new-blog/2019/3/28/healthy-gourmet-maple-granola-covering-all-your-unique-diet-plans

Healthy Gourmet Maple Granola

2 cups Sunflower Seeds

2 cups Pumpkin Seeds

2 cups sliced Almonds*

2 cups Coconut

2 cups large flaked Oats*

1 cup Buckwheat

2 cups Dried Berries e.g. Cranberries

1 cup Hemps seeds

1 cup Coconut oil, softened

1/2 cup Maple Syrup or Honey

2 Tbsp Cinnamon

1 tsp salt, Himalayan or Celtic salt


Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until all mixed evenly.  Place On dehydrator sheets at 48 deg Celsius and place in dehydrator for 18 hrs.  Store in a glass Jar.  Serve with Coconut Yogurt, Fresh fruit and granola.

Oven Method: Turn oven on at 350 deg and bake for 45 mins until golden .

*Almonds can be sprouted and dehydrated and sliced in a food processor

*Oat flakes can be replaced with Oat Groats (for optimal health they can be soaked and dehydrated)

Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

1.   Reduce Risk of Heart Disease (Vit E)

2.   May Help Fight Against Cancer(antioxidants)

3.   Support Thyroid Function (rich in selenium)

4.   Combat Bone Loss and Muscle Cramps

5.   Balance Blood Sugar Levels (high fiber)

6.   Promote Skin Health


Pumpkin Seeds

·         Full of Valuable Nutrients. Pumpkin seeds are also known as "pepita" — a Mexican Spanish term. ...

·         High in Antioxidants. ...

·         Linked to a Reduced Risk of Certain Cancers. ...

·         Improve Prostate and Bladder Health. ...

·         Very High in Magnesium. ...

·         May Improve Heart Health. ...

·         Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels. ...

·         High in Fiber.


almonds nutrition is most praised due to the presence of monounsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and antioxidants. Almonds also contain vitamins, like vitamin E and riboflavin, and trace minerals, such as calcium and magnesium.

·         Almonds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients. ...

·         Almonds Are Loaded With Antioxidants. ...

·         Almonds Are High in Vitamin E. ...

·         Almonds Can Assist With Blood Sugar Control. ...

·         Magnesium Also Benefits Blood Pressure Levels. ...

·         Almonds Can Lower Cholesterol Levels.



Coconut Oil Contains Fatty Acids With Potent Medicinal Properties

Coconut Oil Can Increase Fat Burning. Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the world.

While some people think obesity is only a matter of calories, others (myself included) believe that the sources of those calories are important too.

It is a fact that different foods affect our bodies and hormones in different ways. In this regard, a calorie is not a calorie.

The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil can increase how many calories you burn compared to the same amount of calories from longer chain fats (4).

 Coconut Oil Can Kill Harmful Microorganisms because of lauric acid make.Coconut Oil Can Reduce Your Hunger, Helping You Eat Less.  Coconut Oil Can Raise The Good HDL Cholesterol

Coconut Oil Can Protect Your Skin, Hair and Dental Health


Whole Oats Are Rich in Antioxidants, Including Avenanthramides. ...

·         Oats Contain a Powerful Soluble Fiber Called Beta-Glucan. ...

·         They Can Lower Cholesterol Levels and Protect LDL Cholesterol From Damage. ...

·         Oats Can Improve Blood Sugar Control. ...

·         Oatmeal Is Very Filling and May Help You Lose Weight.



·         Nutritional Value of Buckwheat. Dietary fiber 5 g. ...

·         Prevents Risks of Diabetes. Buckwheat contains minimum carbohydrates and ranks low on the glycemic index. ...

·         Improves Digestion. ...

·         A Source of Protein. ...

·         Maintains Cholesterol Levels. ...

·         An Anti-oxidant. ...

·         Gluten Free and Non-Allergic. ...

·         Low in Calories.


Nutritional benefits of hemp seeds

·         Protein. Hemp seeds are a complete source of protein, providing all nine essential amino acids. ...

·         Unsaturated fats. The health benefits of polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, are becoming increasingly well known. ... Fiber. ...

·   Minerals and vitamins.


9 Maple Syrup Health Benefits

·         Contains Numerous Antioxidants.

·         Has a Lower Score on the Glycemic Index.

·         May Help Fight Inflammatory and Neurodegenerative Diseases.

·         May Help Protect Against Cancer.

·         Helps Protect Skin Health.

·         Alternative to Sugar for Improved Digestion.

·         Supplies Important Vitamins and Minerals.


 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon

·         Cinnamon Is High in a Substance With Powerful Medicinal Properties. ...

·         Cinnamon Is Loaded With Antioxidants. ...

·         Cinnamon Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties. ...

·         Cinnamon May Cut the Risk of Heart Disease. ...

·         Cinnamon Can Improve Sensitivity to the Hormone Insulin. ...

·         Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Has a Powerful Anti-Diabetic Effect.




1.    Berries Are Loaded With Antioxidants. ...

2.    Berries May Help Improve Blood Sugar and Insulin Response. ...

3.    Berries Are High in Fiber. ...

4.    Berries Provide Many Nutrients. ...

5.    The Antioxidants in Them Help Fight Inflammation. ...

6.    Berries May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels.


The benefits of Himalayan salt sole include:

·         Detoxifies the body by balancing systemic pH.

·         Improves hydration by providing trace minerals.

·         Improves mineral status of the body.

·         Reduces muscle cramps by improving minerals and hydration.

·         Helps balance blood sugar.








Gillian Purkiss