Chocolate Squares, Raw, vegan Gluten Free, Great for the Chocolate Craving.

I was craving Chocolate and I remembered something that I loved at a camp we used to go to. They made these delicious chocolate squares. I wondered if I could recreate them. I opened my cupboard and used the ingredients I had available. I was so excited with the result as I nailed it. I use the dehydrator as I sprout all my nuts and seeds as I want to get optimal nutrition from my food even if it is a sweet. You can use the Oven for the same result. Enzymes are destroyed with High heat, hence the sprouting and dehydration.

Here is the recipe. Hope you enjoy

4 cups rolled oats

2 cups walnuts

2 cups sunflower seeds

1 cup melted coconut oil

1 cup date Paste or soaked dates, drain off the water.

Can add maple syrup if you would like it sweeter.

Use a food processor, and process. keep 1 cup aside. Spread the dough in a baking tray

Crumble for the top

Add the 1 cup of dough left over to the food processor. Add 2 cups more Oats and blend making a dryer dough

Chocolate(you can use melted chocolate)

3 cups cacao butter, melted

1 cup cacao powder

1 cup maple syrup

add cacao powder and maple syrup to the butter.

Pour on top of dough and crumble the crumble

Place in dehydrator at 20 deg F for 14 hours or Oven 350 deg for 30 minutes or until brown


Gillian Purkiss