Raw Cauliflower Salad with a Kick

This is a a great salad that is full of phytonutrients and probiotics which is so important for our gut health and digestion.  It is very easy to make Sauerkraut and I have a video up and coming that will teach how to make this.  This sour salad is balanced by the dates making it pleasing to our taste buds.  I love a raw salad that offers much more than a pleasing taste.  Every bite is bringing your body back to health so that you can vibrate at a higher frequency.  Living an energized life.

Raw Cauliflower Salad with a Kick

1 head white and purple organic cauliflower

½ cup Homemade Sauerkraut

½ organic red pepper

½ organic tomato

¼ tsp salt

1/8 tsp pepper

3 dates

1/2 cup chives

¼ cup chopped parsley

Chop Cauliflower into small florets and cut the stalks into small edible pieces.  Add the Sauerkraut.  Put pepper and tomato with seasoning in a Vita-mix or blender and blend until smooth.  Add to Cauliflower.  Add chopped parsley.  Serve


Gillian Purkiss