Eggplant Cannelloni Stuffed with Garlic, Basil Almond Cheese in a Fresh Marinara SauceRaw Vegan, Gluten Free

Eggplant Cannelloni Stuffed with Garlic, Basil Almond Cheese in a Fresh Marinara Sauce

1 large eggplant Peeled

1 Lemon, Juiced

1/4 tsp Salt

Slice the eggplant very thinly with a Mandolin or knife.  Soak overnight to allow the bitterness to be removed and the eggplant fiber to soften

Almond Ricotta cheese

2 cups Peeled Almonds*Soaked

1cup water or less

1 capsule or 1/8 tsp pro biotic (can omit if in a hurry)

¼ cup fresh Basil

1 Clove of garlic


4 fresh Romano tomatoes

2 cloves garilic

½ cup fresh Basil

1 Tbs fresh   oregano

1 Tsp Organic Miso (found in the health food stores in fridge)

1/4 tsp Himalayan salt or to taste

Fresh groung pepper to taste

                                                                  ½ tsp Onion Powder


Put Almonds and water and probiotic in blender and blend until creamy.  A Vita- mix blender works very well.  Place a muslin cloth in a colander and add cheese. It should be thick.  Leave overnight in a warm spot to allow the good bacteria to cure the cheese. Add the herb and garlic If you do not use the probiotic you can use the cheese right away but it will not have the Ricotta taste.  Store in fridge or use right away.

 Making the Ravioli

Rinse eggplant and dry.  Take 1 piece at a time and add a Tsp of cheese on one end and roll it up and place in a dish.  Add Marinara over it and dehydrate for 4 hrs.  Or put in oven on lowest heat for 1 hr.

Serve with green salad.  This is Quite a rich meal.

*to hot soak Almonds add boiling water about 3 times pouring off water as it cools. The Skin will slice off or you could soak almonds overnight as in sprouting and the skin will come off.


Gillian Purkiss