Going Raw you don't have to give up the Bread. Onion Bread. Raw, Vegan, Gluten Free

This is a delicious and easy bread to make and can sit on the shelf for months. Avocado, Hummus, sprouts and a slice of Tomato makes a delicious sandwich 


1 cups whole flax seeds

1 cup chia seeds

1 cups sunflower seed

1 cup pumpkin seeds

16 medium white onions

1/2 cup coconut Aminos, Tamari or Braggs

1 cup extra virgin olive oil or Coconut oil (softened)


Line 2 dehydrator trays with non-stick sheets

Grind the flax and chia seeds in a blender

Grind the the sunflower seeds in a food processor

Combine the ground seeds in a mixing bowl.

 Peel the onions then shred them using the shredding blade of the food  processor.  You can also use a mandolin or use a knife

Add the onions to the seed mixture

Add the aminos or tamari and olive oil and mix well to combine

Spread 5 cups of the mixture on each tray evenly. Dehydrate for 12 hours.

Flip, remove the non-stick sheet and continue dehydration for 8 t 12 hours until firm but stillmoist.  When flippig, it is eaiest to place a new mesh tray directly on top of the onioin bread and simply turn the two trays over and peel the mesh off

Cut inot 8 slices of onion bread

Gillian Purkiss