"Nut Free" Coconut, Sesame Seed, Chocolate Chip Cookies. Great options for school lunch or needing a healthy snack that is full of protein and healthy fats.

I have customers that have been requesting nut free options. As you know I love a challenge. Nuts are easy as they are perfect in flavour and texture for making incredible desserts and wraps and just about anything you can think of. These cookies are my new favourite. I will have them on hand for those busy mornings or a snack with a cup of hebal tea. I gave one to my professonal child tasters (my grand children) and they did not skrunch their noses up but they happily ate one and asked for more. The best thing is now parents can actually pack a healthy treat in their lunch boxes as they are nut free. These cookies are also full of fibre, filling you up so you dont have to eat the whole bag!!! Adding Chocolate Chips is always my favourite. I hope you all enjoy these. I have not experimented in the oven but Im sure if you leave them on warm for a few hours you should get the same results.

Protein Power Nut Free Chocolate Cookies

2 cups of dried coconut flour*

1 cup Sesame or Sunflower seeds (which I have pre sprouted and dried,optional)

1/4 cup flax meal or chia seeds ground in a high speed blender

1/2 cup Sunflower seed butter or Tahini ( I like Tahini which is sesame seed butter)

1 cup Maple Syrup

2 tsp salt

1TBS Vanilla essence

Qater as needed

1 cup vegan Chocolate chips

1/2 cup cacao powder*(a raw form of cocoa powder which you can use)

Mix all ingredients in a food processor until mixed. Add water to make it into a stiff cookie dough. Add chocolate chips. Make balls using a small ice cream scoop or teaspoon and flatten them with your fingers or a fork. Place on the tray of a dehydrator. Dehydrate for 24 hrs. They will be firm. Try them while still hot as the chocolate is soft and messy, Yumm!!!

*Coconut flour can be bought or you can use a high speen blender such as a vita-mix

*raw Cacao is the powder from the cocoa been that does not undergo roasting and has no additives that ordinary cocoa has .

Coconut is not considered a nut and people are not usually alergic to it.

Gillian Purkiss