Video: "Not" Chicken Pate, adding substance to your wrap or salad. Making Vegan living easy

“Not” Chicken Pate

1 can Chick Peas, drained and rinsed or 1 1/2 cups cooked chick peas

3 green onions thinly sliced or 1/4 red onion

1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves finely chopped

3 Tbs homemade vegan Mayonnaise or bought

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger

1/2 tsp turmeric ground

1/4 tsp curry powder or more to taste

1 to 1 1/2 tbs fresh lemon juice to taste

1/4 tsp salt to taste

Freshly ground black pepper

pinch Cayenne Pepper (obt)


Place all ingredients in a food processor and process for a few minutes until chunky. If you do not have a food processor place chickpeas in a bowl and mash with a potato masher until chunky.

Stir in the rest of the ingredients an mix

Serve i a wrap of choice or on a bed of lettuce\You can omit the cilantro, ginger, turmeric and curry powder and replace it with 1 1/2 tsp yellow mustard and 2 tsp minced fresh dill and increase the lemon juice to 3 tsp to taste.

Chickpeas are high in vitamins and minerals and Fiber. They are high in Protein which is good to know when eating a plant based diet. Because of the high fiber they are good for the digestive system even offering pre-biotics. Great for weight management

Cilantro is great for removing Heavy metals from our bodies. Good for the urinary tract to prevent infection and Heart Health

Curry is good for our immune system as it boosts metabolism. Good for pain especially for arthritis. Help prevent cancer and heart disease and ease digestion. Lowers cholesterol

Gillian Purkiss