Get the Video: Raw, Vegan Tahini. Helping to burn your extra fat.

Tahini is one of my favorite sauces. Spending time in the Middle East gave me a love for the flavors that that this adds to all dishes. I would even drizzle it over my salads. This is a great accompaniment to Falafels. This is high in mono unsaturated fats, the healthy fats, A great antioxidant and Anti inflammatory properties. Sesame seeds are 60% essential fatty acids and 20% protein. Great for hormonal health and Fat burning.


1 cup of Sesame seed butter (Tahini)

1/4 cup lemon juice (more or less for taste)

1 clove Garlic

1/2 cup Olive Oil (can omit if cutting out oil)

Add salt if needed

Add water as needed. Start with 1/2 cup

Place all ingredients in a Blender and blend until smooth. Add more water to make it can pour easily

Gillian Purkiss