Superfood Chocolates, Raw, Vegan and Easy. Made in 5 minutes

These chocolates are intended to be easy. Using the cacao butter allows you to keep these out of the fridge. If you use coconut oil then you will need to keep in the fridge. Cacao has 40 times more antioxidants than blueberries, and we know how good blueberries are for you!!! Also cacao has more iron than any plant based foods and is High in Protein. You can add any ingredients making them so versatile…

Superfood Chocolates

1 cup Pumpkin Seeds

1 cup cashews

1/2 cup hemp

1 cup Oat flour optional

You can add anything you would like, make sure that it equals 2 1/2 cups

1/2 cup maple syrup or more. You can use any sweetener of choice or don’t add any if you like 100% dark chocolate

1 cup cacao powder

10 drops peppermint essential oil

2 cups cacao butter

Melt the cacao butter and add cacao powder using a whisk or fork. Add to rest of ingredients. Put into a lined cake pan and leave to set for an hour in fridge. Turn out and cut into squares. You can use chocolate moulds.

Gillian Purkiss